Today we will start with basic calculations and these calculations can be done by automatic or manual.

Doing basic calculations in excel program.

How to Calculate

There are two ways to calculate digits either automatic by using autosum option appearing on top or by manual if you want to select specific cells to calculate.

Now for automatic calculation I have added a value 10 in (F Column, 4 Row) and 20 in (F Column, 5 Row) = SUM(F4:F5). But I want total value to appear in F12 so for this I have first selected F12 Cell and then used AutoSum function to total those number from 4th and 5th rows.

Any value that is appearing in same column or different cells in same row can be calculated with automatic function.

Now for manual calculation I have added a value 10 in (F Column, 4 Row) and 20 in (E Column, 10 Row) = F4+E10. Now here also you will see I want total value to appear in F12 so for this I have first selected F12 Cell and then used equal function (=) F4 with (+) E10 for value selection from different cells.

If you want to subtract those values, you can use (-) symbol instead of (+) by selecting from keyboard.

 How to do basic calculation in single column in excel program.

How to do basic calculation from two separate column in excel program.